Particle Size Distribution Analysis

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Microscopic black and white image of particle size distribution with cryo-TEM | Nanoparticle characterization | Nano Imaging

Assessment of the size distribution for particles in a given sample is an essential characterization step in pharmaceutical and biotechnology process validation & development, formulation development, and production. Particle size distribution is directly linked to many other product attributes and can affect their performance. 

Particle size distribution analysis is an established procedure in many laboratories.

However, standard nanoparticle sizing methods can feature lengthy procedures and/or be prone to bias introduced by contaminants. We have developed advanced image analysis software for semi-automated particle contouring and sizing that provides precise particle size distribution measurement for nanometer to sub-micron particles in heterogeneous and homogeneous sample solutions. These analyses help answer questions regarding batch or lot similarities and consistency, biosimilarity, and to reconcile results from size measurements obtained via other methods. This service can be used with negative stain and cryo-TEM techniques.

We’ve performed size distribution analysis on nearly 800 samples (predominantly liposomal/lipid nanoparticles (LNPs); vaccine, virus or virus-like particle (VLP) samples; and 'other' samples such as iron sucrose, micelles, and more.) Particle size distribution analysis includes distribution curves, mean AED, mean/max Feret diameters.

Example particle size distribution analysis of lipid nanoparticles, showing (A) LNPs at a magnification of 150,000x with 100nm scale bar; (B) Frequency histogram for particle area equivalent diameter (AED) metric distributions for the sample using a 10 nm size bin.; (C) Max Feret Diameter metric distributions for the sample. The top is the probability distribution function (PDF) and the bottom is the cumulative probability distribution (CDF); (D) Area equivalent diameter (AED) metric distributions for the sample. The top is the probability distribution function (PDF) and the bottom is the cumulative probability distribution (CDF).

Frequently Asked Questions

Microscopic black and white image of particle size distribution with cryo-TEM | Nanoparticle characterization | Nano Imaging

Can I see an example report for your particle classification analysis?

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How many particles do you count, or images do you analyze per sample or grid?

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