Morphology & Particle Shape Analysis

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cryo-TEM morphology analysis services | nanoparticle characterization morphology

Direct determination of particle morphology is a critical aspect of nanoparticle characterization. Typical analyses include particle size distribution, shape, and overall appearance of particles in a sample, and can include quantitative analysis of circularity. 

All of these measurements can be obtained in one cryo-TEM or negative stain imaging study, with a small amount of sample.

Complete Morphology Assessment with Cryo-TEM

We are experienced in the complete morphology analysis of many types of nanoparticles, including shape and circularity.

cryo-TEM morphology assessment of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) | nanoimaging services
Example of complete morphology assessment of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs)

Frequently Asked Questions

cryo-TEM morphology analysis services | nanoparticle characterization morphology

Can I see an example report showing your morphology & lamellarity analysis?

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How many particles do you count, or images do you analyze per sample or grid?

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