31st Protein Structure Determination in Industry Meeting (PSDI)

Join CSO Dr. Giovanna Scapin and CCO Kristin Rider at the 31st Protein Structure Determination in Industry (PSDI) Meeting to discuss how high resolution cryo-EM imaging and data collection can enhance your structure based drug design workflow.

Register Now for the 31st Protein Structure Determination in Industry Meeting (PSDI).

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Event Details

November 12, 2023
November 14, 2023
Cambridge, England

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31st Protein Structure Determination in Industry Meeting (PSDI)
November 12, 2023 10:00 AM
November 14, 2023
Cambridge, England
Join NIS for the 31st Protein Structure Determination in Industry Meeting (PSDI) to discuss high resolution cryo-EM services for structural biology workflows.
NIS Mountain Hero
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